We are currently looking for a Ph.D. student to develop the next generation of imaging tools, integrated with ultra-thin robotics, to diagnose and treat bile duct cancer. More info here.
We always welcome inquiries from those seeking Ph.D. and post-doctoral positions. Aside from our advertised posts, we are supportive of people applying for Ph.D. scholarships, post-doctoral fellowships or to arrange a shorter visit or placement. Here are some potential opportunities:
Opportunities to apply for Ph.D. funding in OPTIMlab:
- Searchable database of Ph.D. funding opportunities
- UoN China Scholarship
- Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships – targeted at talented and motivated individuals with the opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills in their given sector, in order to contribute to sustainable development in their home countries.
- Newton Ph.D. Programme
- Marshall Scholarships – 20,000 scholarship available to US nationals.
- CONACYT – Scheme open to Mexican nationals.
- COLFUTURO – Scheme open to Colombian nationals.
- CONICYT – Scheme open to Chilean nationals.
Opportunities to apply for post-doctoral funding in OPTIMlab:
- Searchable database of early career researcher funding opportunities
- Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships – For researchers < 4 years post-Ph.D.
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships
- EPSRC Open Fellowship
- Newton International Fellowships – Royal Society scheme allowing researchers with <7 years of post-doctoral experience to conduct research in the UK.
- Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships – Funding for UK and International candidates to conduct research in the UK
- Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships – For early career researchers, with a research record but who have not yet held a full-time permanent academic post
- Wellcome Early Career Awards – For early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity.
- AXA Fellowship – Candidates should be maximum PhD+ 5 years with proven scientific excellence and high potential for innovation, transformation and dissemination.
- 1851 Research Fellowships – For early career scientists or engineers of exceptional promise the opportunity to conduct a research project of their own instigation.
- Daphne Jackson Fellowship – For those looking to return to a research career after a break of two or more years for family, health or caring reasons.
- Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship – the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables researchers with good qualifications from Germany at all career levels to conduct research with members of the Humboldt Network around the world.
- Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF – Early career mobility for applicants who have recently received their doctoral degree from ETH Zurich and Post-Doc mobility for applicants who are Swiss nationals or hold a valid Swiss permanent residence, residence or cross-border commuter permit
- Commonwealth Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- Bekker Fellowship – NAWA fellowship for Post-Docs and PhD students from Polish Universities and science centres to spend up to 36 months at a foreign Institution.